Studien und Expertisen
Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft & Forschung zum Thema VR
Virtuelle Realität (VR) wird oft mit jüngeren Generationen und Videospielen in Verbindung gebracht. Doch immer mehr Studien belegen die positiven Effekte der VR-Nutzung bei älteren Menschen, insbesondere eine signifikante Verbesserung des Gemütszustandes.
Virtual reality and video games in cardiac rehabilitation programs. A systematic review: 1631892
Immersive Virtual Reality for the Management of Pain in Community-Dwelling Older Adults:
Exergames in Augmented Reality for Older Adults with Hypertension: A Qualitative Study Exploring User Requirements:
Virtual reality exergame in older patients with hypertension: a preliminary study to determine load intensity and blood pressure:
Virtual Reality (VR)-Based Environmental Enrichment in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Mild Dementia:
Developing a virtual reality for people with dementia in nursing homes based on their psychological needs: a feasibility study:
Reminiscence therapy using virtual reality technology affects cognitive function and subjective well-being in older adults with dementia:
Effects of Virtual Reality Intervention on Cognition and Motor Function in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis:
The Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality by Older Adults: Potentials and Challenges: full
Older Adults With Cognitive and/or Physical Impairments Can Benefit From Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences: A Feasibility Study:
Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Stimulation to Improve Cognitive Functioning in Community Elderly: A Controlled Study:
Using virtual reality for cognitive training of the elderly:
Exploring the potential of virtual worlds in engaging older people and supporting healthy aging: 691552
Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Stimulation to Improve Cognitive Functioning in Community Elderly: A Controlled Study:
The effect of virtual reality program on the cognitive function and balance of the people with mild cognitive impairment:
Albertus W. Faber, David R. Patterson, Marco Bremer; Repeated Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy to Control Pain During Wound Dressing Changes in Pediatric and Adult Burn Patients, Journal of Burn Care & Research, Volume 34, Issue 5, 1 September 2013, Pages 563–568.
Kevin M.Malloy and Leonard S.Milling: 001091?via%3Dihub
Hoffman, H.G., Patterson, D.R., Carrougher, G.J., & Sharar, S. (2001). The effectiveness of virtual reality based pain control with multiple treatments. Clinical Journal of Pain, 17, 229-235.
Front. Med., 14 July 2023
Sec. Intensive Care Medicine and Anesthesiology
Volume 10 – 2023 |
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality–Based Rehabilitation Interventions in Improving Postoperative Outcomes for Orthopedic Surgery Patients. Alternative Treatments for Pain Medicine (C Robinson, Section Editor) Published: Volume 28, pages 37–45, (2024):
Virtual and augmented reality in intensive care medicine: a systematic review Annals of Intensive Care volume 13, Article number: 81 (2023): 6/s13613-023-01176-z
Virtuelle Reisen steigern Wohlbefinden von Senioren
Mit einer VR-Brille fühlen sich Senioren glücklicher und entspannter.
Die Senioren in der VR-Gruppe berichteten, dass sie sich glücklicher, zufriedener und entspannter fühlten als die Senioren in der Kontrollgruppe.
Die Studie* ergab auch, dass die räumliche Mobilität Einflussfaktoren auf die Wirkung der VR sind. Bei Männern und Frauen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität war der Effekt der VR am größten.
*Studie der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau 2023